1. All of our stylists try on every single new arrival daily. We learn how the fit of the merchandise is so we can style our customers body type properly. Our stylists put fully styled outfits on our instastories constantly!
2.) Send us a DM or comment on a post and we will get back to you right away. We can hold and ship you anything you see instagram and answer all your questions.
3.) Our new website is awesome for purchasing, but we simply can't get all of our products that come into the store daily online. Instagram allows us to showcase fresh 'out of the box' pieces you may never get to see online.
4.) Lezli, owner and buyer does live videos with trend alerts, new designer alerts, must haves etc.
5.) Shopping made easy. Our shopping cart on instagram is always up to date and so is our inventory.
Interested in some of the pieces above email leanne@willowst.com or click here!