Hosted by the owner and buyer Lezli Salz-Bradley, Willow St. went to Hudson Farm Club on a two day retreat!
From start to finish every single one of us had a blast! We learned, we laughed and most importantly our team grew even stronger!
Lezli took this sport up about 4 years and now is a competitive athlete in clay shooting. The team was able to see where she spends a lot of her time and now can appreciate the hard work that goes into the sport.
We ate and drank and relaxed. Willow St. employee's stay with this company 10+ years for a reason. It's a professional, fun, creative, successful business and Lezli treats every single one of her employee's like gold. Having this opportunity working for a small business confirmed that our team can get through anything and thrive.
We're all looking forward to our next time together to go on a crazy adventure!